My Fascia Journey
My journey into the absolutely fascinating world of fascia started in 2004 when I nearly lost my legs in a water-skiing accident. A fun filled Saturday afternoon of skiing turned into horror when, in a freak accident, the ski rope became wound around my legs and I was pulled under behind a fast-moving ski-boat.
As part of my rehabilitation, my chiropractor suggested Pilates to help restore strength and movement in my legs. I was hooked on Pilates. Eventually, I ended up becoming a Comprehensively Certified Pilates Instructor (Peak Pilates® out of Boulder, Colorado) and owning my own Pilates Studio for almost 10 years.
This triggered my personal quest for flexibility.
I started researching about stretching. Between countless hours of reading about stretching, stretching my own body, teaching Pilates and managing my Pilates Studio, I found time to work with Bob Cooley in Boston, Massachusetts on Resistance Stretching. This led to an interest in Rolfing as a method of restoring movement. I completed Rolfing Level I and II in South Africa.
Rolfing presented me with a solid foundation for my studies of human anatomy in movement and fascia and led to my fascination with the body’s ability to heal itself.
In 2012, I completed a Fascial Manipulation Therapy course according to Stecco’s Method as well as a Fascial Fitness Instructor course, in London, United Kingdom. In 2013, I attended the International Fascia in Sport Conference and in 2014, I attended Fascia Summer School, both at the University of Ulm, Germany, with Professor Robert Schleip.
The study of fascia and the role it plays in movement and rehabilitation of movement became my all-out passion. I have read countless articles and books on the subjects of anatomy, fascia and fascia therapy. Reading on these topics still forms a large part of my daily routine.
By now I had my own practice in Pretoria where I started assisting people, especially young athletes and professional sport people, with injury prevention and rehabilitation. I had great success in treating people that came to my practice but I had no way to test the soundness of my techniques and my philosophy with anyone else. In South Africa, I was alone in this field and in the way I practiced.
In my researching efforts, I came across Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR Therapy) according to the John Barnes Method®. I started reading everything I could on him and his method and in January 2017, I finally got the opportunity to attend his Myofascial Release (MFR) Level I and II as well as Myofascial Unwinding Seminars in Captiva, Florida.
I was no longer uncertain about my practice or my philosophy of treatment. I got the affirmation that I was looking for and much, much more. In October 2017, I attended a Healing Seminar with John F Barnes and had the opportunity to do Skill Enhancement Training, working with him at his Therapy on the Rocks Treatment Center in Arizona, USA.
I believe in the John Barnes Method® and have seen amazing results in my practice since I started to work according to his method. I am constantly reading and doing research to better my knowledge and understanding of fascia and the role it plays in allowing the body to heal itself. In September 2019, I attend the Rebounding and Cranium seminar with John F Barnes in Massachusetts, USA.
Besides my fascination with fascia I am also a certified yoga instructor, having completed 200 hours Yoga Teacher training as well as 30 hours of Yin Yoga teacher’s training with Radiantly Alive in Ubud, Bali. I completed another 50 hours of Yin Yoga Teacher’s training with Jo Phee in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I believe in the benefits a regular yoga practice can bring in our daily lives and in the healing process.
When I am not busy with fascia, I own and manage my own e-commerce brand, Pause Apparel.
I love yoga, running, rebounding, the sun on my skin and the energy of the ocean.
2020 – Major changes
I decided to give all my time and energy to my creative business Pause Apparel. Where we create Art that you can wear™
I spend a lot of time creating YouTube videos on little things that you can do to become pain free. It’s free and open for discussion. Join my Facebook group – be pain free and let me know what I can help you with.
- Fascial Cranium Seminar with John F. Barnes (2019, Brewster, Massachusetts, USA)
- Myofascial Rebounding with John F. Barnes (2019, Brewster, Massachusetts, USA)
- Myofascial Release Skill Enhancement with John F. Barnes (2017, Sedona, Arizona, USA)
- Fascia Research Summer School (2014, University of Ulm, Germany)
- Club Physio Anatomy Trains Foundation Course (2013, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Club Physio Fascial Manipulation Course (2012, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Fascia Fitness Trainer Course (2012, London, UK)
- Myofascial Release I and II according to the John Barnes Method® (USA)
- Myofascial Unwinding according to the John Barnes Method® (USA)
- Rolfing level 1 and 2 (South Africa)
- Peak Pilates® Comprehensive Certification (USA)
- Certified Yoga Teacher (Vinyasa 200 hours and Yin 80 hours) (Indonesia)